Sunday, 8 January 2012

Measure Words: A Short List

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Youxuan Wang

The English nouns are distinguished between countables and uncountables. The countable nouns are in turn distinguished between singular noun and plural nouns., e.g.: man, men. To quantify the referent of an English countable noun, we simply put a number before the countable noun, e.g.: one man, two men, etc.. To quantify the referent of an English uncountable noun, we will need to put a measure word between the number and the noun, e.g.: one cup of water, two cups of water, etc.. The measure word is countable, and it can appear after a number.

By contrast, the Chinese language does not seem to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns. It seems as if all nouns are uncountable. To quantify the referent of a Chinese noun, we need to insert a measure word between a number and the noun, thus: 一水,两水;一人,两人;一路,两路, etc. Without a measure word, the number of a Chinese noun cannot be expressed.

The implication of this difference between English and Chinese is that, each time a second-language learner learns a Chinese noun, he/she should take a step further and lean the measure word that collocates with the noun. For instance, the first time when we come across the word ''sǎn, umbrella),  we should ask how to say "one/two/three umbrellas" in Chinese. Thus, we go on to learn to say "一/ 两/ 三 ". 

The following is a very short list of the most frequently used measure words, but it's long enough for you  at the moment. 

First, learn the meaning of the Chinese nouns (highlighted in red) on the right column if any of them is new. Then, start counting the things or living beings by using the measure words (highlighted in blue) on the left. Repeat this exercise regularly over a number of weeks; and each time you do this, don't leave anything untouched until you really believe you have internalised the collocations.

A List of most commonly used measure words

Quantifier Pinyin Original Meaning & Connotation Nouns

把  bǎ  a handle 菜刀钥匙钳子
bāng (derogatory in tone) a group tied together by some common values 坏人恐怖分子
杯  bēi  a cup/glass/mug 咖啡奶茶
本  běn  a pile of paper bound together 杂志字典
a section of an integral whole; part of a system 电影汽车小说机器照相机
chǎng an open field; an activity that requires such an open field 球赛电影
a large stationary natural object or construction
串  chuàn  a string, a bunch stringed together 香蕉钥匙珍珠铜钱
a dozen 饮料鸡蛋
栋  dòng  a beam that supports a roof 建筑物房子
对  duì  two individuals of opposite sexes 情侣夫妻
duǒ a flower-like or cloud-like object 白云彩霞
fēng an object that needs to be sealed
份  fèn  a portion, a part, a bit; a collection of parts/bits 报纸礼物心意
幅  fú  the widths of a piece of cloth 画像风景画照片书法作品
副  fù  a suit made up of two components 眼镜袜子手套
个  gè  an item 东西鸡蛋苹果信封
罐  guàn  a tin, a can 汽水可乐啤酒
a small box; a casket 磁带午餐巧克力
壶  hú  a kettle
家  jiā  a house-hold 医院商店邮局餐馆
间  jiān  a room in a house 卧室店铺办公室客厅
件  jiàn  an item 衣服事情行李

a chunk 饼干、土地、冰片、
颗  kē  a round or grain-shaped tiny object 星星钻石炸弹
棵  kē  a tree-like object 禾苗
kǒu individual who needs to be fed 人 (as an individual in a household.)
粒  lì  a grain-like object 沙子种子子弹
辆  liàng  a vehicle-like machine 汽车自行车公交车
列  liè  a train of object 火车
jià framework 飞机
méi  a tiny object 硬币信封邮票
片  piàn  a flat  and thin object 面包树林云彩空地
瓶  píng  a bottle 香水啤酒
群  qún  group/flock  (of living beings)
双 (雙) shuāng  a pair 鞋子袜子筷子
所  suǒ  a place, an institution 学校大学幼儿园
台  tái  a stand, support, or stage 电脑电视
tiáo a long and/or wiggly thing 裤子毛巾绳子
tōng an act of communication; a correspondence. 电话电子邮件电报电传
sōu (generic term)a  boat 渔船轮船帆船宇宙飞船
wèi a seat 教授先生老人朋友
碗  wǎn  a bowl 面条
pái a line, a row 座位房子
羽  yǔ  feather 鸽子
张  zhāng  an object that can be unfolded 桌子椅子凳子
只 (隻) zhī  an animal (enough to hold by one hand) 鹅、猫
zhi a bamboo-like stick 铅笔毛笔钢笔
盅  zhōng  a cup
gēn a root 绳子线头发棍子

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